Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
Is There a Link Between Mass Shootings and Antidepressants?- Interview with Dr. Peter Breggin

Is There a Link Between Mass Shootings and Antidepressants?- Interview with Dr. Peter Breggin

Interview with Dr. Peter Breggin on the Medical Truth Podcast

Roughly one in ten Americans aged twelve and over takes antidepressant medication in the United States. Antidepressant use among young adults between 12-19 years old has increased to 41%. The side effects of these antidepressants come at a cost. My guest is a world-renowned Harvard trained Psychiatrist for the past 60 years who has devoted his career to the use and abuse of antidepressants as well as medications for Attention Deficit Disorder; he has testified as an expert witness in several high-profile murder trials that involved the use of antidepressants. Here, to discuss the dangers of antidepressants and to answer the question of whether there is a link between antidepressants and mass shootings, is my guest, Dr. Peter Breggin.

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Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
James Egidio brings more than 24 years of experience as a medical practice owner, manager, entrepreneur, and author to the Medical Truth Podcast. It is a podcast the Tells the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth About U.S. Healthcare